

Kamegai, S. & K. Ogawa (2024) Galactosomum nagasakiense n. sp. (Digenea: Heterophyidae) from the black-tailed gull, Larus crassirostris, with a description of metacercariae from some marine fishes developing trematode whirling disease. Parasitology International 103: 102944.

倉持 利明 (2024) 目黒寄生虫館が所蔵する山口左仲(やまぐちさちゅう)博士の標本・資料(山口コレクション). 博物館研究 59(4): 2428.

栗田 和紀, 佐田 直也 (2024) 千葉県立保健医療大学幕張キャンパスで発見されたアオダイショウ. 千葉県立保健医療大学紀要 15(1): 4144.

Ogawa, K., S. Shirakashi, N. Sata, N. Itoh, S. Ito, E. Lewisch & S. Bornstein (2024) Description of Discocotyle ciray n. sp. (Monogenea: Discocotylidae) from Parahucho perryi (Brevoort) from Hokkaido, Japan, with a redescription of D. sagittata (Leuckart, 1842). Systematic Parasitology 101: 24.

Seo, H., E. Ansai, T. Sase, T. Saito, T. Takano, Y. Kojima & T. Waki (2024) Introduction of a snake trematode of the genus Ochetosoma in eastern Japan. Parasitology International 103: 102947.

高野 剛史 (2024) ハナゴウナ科腹足類の自然史:多様性,寄生生態および進化パターン. ちりぼたん 54(1-2): 128.

Takano, T., M. Hasegawa-Takano & K. Inoue (2024) Habitat selection in two species of Eulimidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) parasitic on the black sea cucumber Holothuria atra. Hydrobiologia 851: 17791788.

高野 剛史, 川富 光真, 長谷川 和範 (2024) ヤマトホシヒトデに内部寄生するカワムラヤドリニナ. ちりぼたん 54(1-2): 4348.

Takano, T., H. Kohtsuka & M. Okanishi (2024) First occurrence of ophiuroid-parasitic genus Ophieulima (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Eulimidae) in the North Pacific Ocean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 104: e23.

Takano, T.N. SataT. Iwaki, R. Murata, J. Suzuki, Y. Kodo & K. Ogawa (2024) Anisakid larvae in the skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis captured in Japanese waters: Two-year monitoring of infection levels after the outbreak of human anisakiasis in 2018. Parasitology International 103: 102938.


Ogawa, K. (2023) Parasites in the skeletal muscle of amberjacks Seriola spp. in Japan: a review. 魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 58(4): 127145.

Ogawa, K., M. Abe, S. Hara, M. Ueno & S. Shirakashi (2023) Philometroides seriolae recovered from the swimbladder of Japanese amberjack Seriola quinqueradiata. 魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 58(2): 7173.

Ogawa, K.N. Sata, Y. Sugihara, H. Miyazaki, M. Ueno, S. Kuramochi & S. Shirakashi (2023) Establishment of experimental life cycle of Philometroides seriolae (Nematoda: Philometridae) using surrogate copepod intermediate host. 魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 58(1): 1521.

Ohta, M., T. Takano, S. Kojima & Y. Narimatsu (2023) A new species of Janiralata Menzies, 1951 (Isopoda: Janiridae) from Japanese bathyal waters, with a review of the associations with invertebrates among the species of Janiralata. Journal of Crustacean Biology 43: ruad049.

岡島 淳悟, 巖城 隆 (2023) 国内の牛におけるSetaria属糸状虫類の寄生状況(2020~2022). 獣医寄生虫学会誌 22(1-2): 1621.

Sata, N. & T. Nakano (2023) Molecular analysis of larvae suggests the existence of a second species of Sulcascaris (Nematoda: Anisakidae: Anisakinae) in the Japanese moon scallop (Ylistrum japonicum) from Japanese waters. Parasitology International 92: 102674.

Sekii, K., S. Miyashita, K. Yamaguchi, I. Saito, Y. Saito, S. Manta, M. Ichikawa, M. Narita, T. Watanabe, R. Ito, M. Taguchi, R. Furukawa, A. Ikeuchi, K. Matsuo, G. Kurita, T. Kumagai, S. Shirakashi, K. Ogawa, K. Sakamoto, R. Koyanagi, N. Satoh, M. Sasaki, T. Maezawa, M. Ichikawa-Seki & K. Kobayashi (2023) Sex-inducing effects toward planarians widely present among parasitic flatworms. iScience 26: 105776.

高野 剛史 (2023) 寄生性腹足類の多様性と進化. タクサ 54: 3641.

Takano, T., H. Fukumori, T. Kuramochi & Y. Kano (2023) Deepest digenean parasite: molecular evidence of infection in a lower abyssal gastropod at 6,200 m. Deep-Sea Research Part I 198: 104078.

Takano, T., Y. Kano, T. Mogi & M. Okanishi (2023) Fusceulimoides kohtsukai gen. et sp. nov., a minute eulimid gastropod parasitic on the little brittle star Ophiactis savignyi in central Japan. Zoological Science 40(1): 6469.

高野 剛史, 加藤 直宏, 長谷川 和範 (2023) マユガタトゲジラミ(新生腹足亜綱:ハナゴウナ科)の日本初記録. ちりぼたん 53: 208213.

脇 司, 高野 剛史, 古澤 春紀, 浦部 美佐子 (2023) スズメ目Passeriformes Linnaeus, 1758の鳥類に広く寄生するホソヤカルッツ吸虫(新称)Lutztrema attenuatum (Dujardin, 1845) の自然界における第一中間宿主の発見. タクサ 54: 5966.

Yamasaki, H., M. O. Sato, T. Kuramochi & R. Mercado (2023) Genetic characterization of Dibothriocephalus latus and Dibothriocephalus dendriticus (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) from Chile based on haplotype analysis using mitochondrial DNA markers. Parasitology International 96: 102767.

Yanagi, S., Y. Imaoka & K. Ogawa (2023) Microsporidium seriolae and probable Philometroides seriolae infection in yellowtail amberjack Seriola aureovittata.  魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 58(4): 180183.


Ogawa, K. (2022) Redescription of Zeuxapta seriolae (Meserve, 1938) and Zeuxapta australica Lebedev, 1968 (Monogenea: Heteraxinidae). Systematic Parasitology 99(4): 419436.

Ogawa, K. & N. Itoh (2022) Five new and two known species of Heterobothrium (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae) infecting puffers of the genus Takifugu from Japanese waters. Systematic Parasitology 99: 317340.

Ogawa, K., S. Shirakashi & Y. Fukuda (2022) Polyopisthocotylid monogenean infections of amberjacks Seriola spp. in Japan. 魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 57(2): 4955.

Sasaki, M., T. Iwaki & M. Nakao (2022) Rediscovery of Michajlovia turdi (Digenea: Brachylaimoidea) from Japan.  Journal of Parasitology 108(2): 122126.

Sasaki, M., T. Iwaki, T. Waki & M. Nakao (2022) An unknown species of Leucochloridium (Trematoda: Leucochloridiidae) from northern Honshu, Japan. Parasitology International 87: 102491.

Sata, N. & T. Nakano (2022) Insights into the phylogenetic position and phylogeography of the monospecific skink-parasite genus Neoentomelas (Nematoda: Rhabditida: Rhabdiasidae), with special reference to the effects of the reproductive mode on the genetic diversity. Invertebrate Systematics 36(1): 3647.

高野 剛史, 濱本 耕平 (2022) コブヒトデに寄生していたチャイロヘソアキゴウナ(新生腹足亜綱:ハナゴウナ科). ちりぼたん 52(2): 170174.

Takano, T., H. Kubo & M. Obuchi (2022) New records of associations between ectoparasitic snails of the genus Mucronalia (Caenogastropoda: Eulimidae) and their ophiuroid hosts from Japan and New Caledonia, with description of a new species. Plankton and Benthos Research 17(3): 255262.

Takano, T. & N. Sata (2022) Multigene phylogenetic analysis reveals non-monophyly of Anisakis s.l. and Pseudoterranova (Nematoda: Anisakidae). Parasitology International 91: 102631.

Takano, T., S. Tsuzuki & Y. Kano (2022) Description of a second species of the eulimid genus Concavibalcis (Gastropoda: Vanikoroidea). Zootaxa 5093(3): 397400.

Takano, T., A. Warén & Y. Kano (2022) Phylogenetic position of the deep-sea snail family Haloceratidae and new insights into caenogastropod relationships. Journal of Molluscan Studies 88: eyac012.

脇 司, 中尾 稔, 佐々木 瑞希, 高野 剛史, 池澤 広美, 宮崎 晋介 (2022) 日本におけるマイマイサンゴムシ属(新称)Brachylaima吸虫未同定種の報告ならびに既知種の新産地・新宿主. タクサ 52: 3747.

Yamamoto, K., M. Yanagisawa, K. Ueda, T. Iwaki, R. Kodera, K. Naganobu, M. Okamoto, S. Tomita, T. Waki, H. Koie & Y. Uekusa (2022) A new needle biopsy approach for dolphins with lesions in the pterygoid sinus.  Emerging Animal Species 4: 100006.

Yanagi, S., T. Mekata, Y. Imaoka & K. Ogawa (2022) Digenean larva migrans in cultured Seriola spp. caused by Hirudinella ventricosa (Trematoda: Hirudinellidae). 魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 57(3): 76–82.


Azofeifa, B. C., V. Z. Segura, F. Q. Padilla, E. V. van der Wielen, F. V. Solís, T. Iwaki, H. Sugiyama, A. Jiménez & J. A. M. Acuña (2021) First report ot the trematode Platynosomum illiciens (Trematoda: Digenea) in Felis catus in Costa Rica, Central America. Revista Ciencias Veterinarias 39(1): 18.

Goto, R., T. Takano, D. J. Eernisse, M. Kato & Y. Kano (2021) Snails riding mantis shrimps: Ectoparasites evolved from ancestors living as commensals on the host's burrow wall. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 163: 107122.

巖城 隆, 勝俣 悦子, 依田 貴之, 武津 かほり, 森嶋 康之, 杉山 広 (2021) シロイルカ Delphinapterus leucas の腎臓への長期間の寄生が疑われた線虫 Crassicauda giliakiana. 日本野生動物医学会誌 26(4): 135141.

Izumi, S., N. Akiyama, Y. Suzumura & K. Ogawa (2021) Infection of a species of digenean in common octopus Octopus sinensis in Japan. 魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 56(4): 199204.

Kikuchi, T., M. Dayi, V. L. Hunt, K. Ishiwata, A. Toyoda, A. Kounosu, S. Sun, Y. Maeda, Y. Kondo, B. A. de Noya, O. Noya, S. Kojuma, T. Kuramochi & H. Maruyama (2021)  Genome of the fatal tapeworm Sparganum proliferum uncovers mechanisms for cryptic life cycle and aberrant larval proliferation. Communications Biology 4: 649.

Mizuochi, H., Y. Fujiwara, S. Shirakashi, Y. Fujikura & K. Ogawa (2021) Biology and pathogenicity of Benedenia akajin infecting hatchery-reared Plectropomus leopardus juveniles. 魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 56(3): 122129.

Murata, R., J. Suzuki, Y. Kodo, K. Kobayashi, K. Sadamasu, T. TakanoT. Iwaki, T. Waki & K. Ogawa (2021) Probable association between Anisakis infection in the muscle of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and human anisakiasis in Tokyo, Japan. International Journal of Food Microbiology 337: 108930.

Ogawa, K., N. Itoh & M. E. Oliva (2021) Emendation of the genus Neoheterobothrium and a proposal of a new genus Paraheterobothrium (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae) for five species of diclidophorids from Pleuronectiform fishes. Systematic Parasitology 98: 515533. 

Ogawa, K., H. Mizuochi, T. Yamaguchi, S. Shirakashi, N. Asai & Y. Agawa (2021) Benedenia akajin n. sp. (Monogenea: Capsalidae) from leopard coral grouper Plectropomus leopardus reared in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. 魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 55(4): 117124.

Ohtani, T., I. Kawamoto, M. Chiba, N. Kurono, S. Matsuoka & K. Ogawa (2021) Ceratothoa verrucosa (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) infection in the buccal cavity of red seabream caught in Iyo-nada, western Japan, with some notes on its co-infection with Choricotyle rlongata (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae). 魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 56(2): 4352.

Okamoto, M., A. Okino, M. A. Freeman & K. Ogawa (2021) Larval Cucullanid nematode infection in the liver of ayu. 魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 55(4): 142150.

Takano, T. & R. Goto (2021) Molecular and morphological systematics of the crinoid-parasitic snail genus Goodingia (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda: Eulimidae) with new insights into intrafamilial phylogenetic relationships. Marine Biodiversity 51: 5.

Takano, T.T. Iwaki, T. Waki, R. Murata, J. Suzuki, Y. Kodo, K. Kobayashi, K. Ogawa (2021) Species composition and infection levels of Anisakis (Nematoda: Anisakidae) in the skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus) in the Northwest Pacific. Parasitology Research 120: 16051615.

高野 剛史, 都築 章二 (2021) 沖縄県伊平屋島から得られたハナゴウナ科貝類. ちりぼたん 52(1): 1829.


Chel, H. M., T. Iwaki, M. Hmoon, Y. N. Thaw, N. C. Soe, S. Y. Win, S. Bawm, L. L. Htun, M. M. Win, Z. M. Oo, Md. A. Masum, O. Ichii, R. Nakao, N. Nonaka & K. Katakura (2020) Morphological and molecular identification of cyathostomine gastrointestinal nematodes of Murshidia and Quilonia species from Asian elephants in Myanmar. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 11: 294301.

Huston, D. C., K. Ogawa, S. Shirakashi & B. F. Nowak (2020) Metazoan parasite life cycles: significance for finfish mariculture. Trends in Parasitology 36(12): 10021012.

巖城 隆 (2020) ヒバカリ Hebius vibakari vibakari から採集された線虫 Hexametra quadricornis. 獣医寄生虫学会誌 19(1): 4043.

巖城 隆佐田 直也, 長谷川 英男, 松尾 加代子, 中野 隆文, 古島 拓哉 (2020) 日本国内のヘビ類の口腔に寄生する吸虫 Ochetosoma kansense (Plagiorchiida: Ochetosomatidae). 日本野生動物医学会誌 25(4): 129134.

Iwaki, T., K. Tamai, K. Ogimoto, Y. Iwahashi, T. Waki, F. Kawano & K. Ogawa (2020) New records of Philometra pellucida (Jägerskiöld, 1893) (Nematoda: Philometridae) from the body cavity of Arothron mappa (Lesson) and Arothron nigropunctatus (Bloch et Schneider) reared in aquariums, with synonymisation of Philometra robusta Moravec, Möller et Heeger, 1992. Folia Parasitologica 67: 025.

Komatsu, N., N. Itoh & K. Ogawa (2020) Heavy metacercarial infetion in the abdominal cavity of hatchery-reared Japanese dace Tribolodon hakonensis. 魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 55(3): 53–60. 

岡島 淳悟, 舟越 康之, 小林 和弘, 新井 英人, 米山 智子, 巖城 隆 (2020) 都内のと畜場における肉用牛の眼虫類寄生状況(2019~2020). 獣医寄生虫学会誌 19(2): 123128.

Sata, N. & T. Nakano (2020) Redescription of Gyrinicola japonica, a tadpole-endoparasitic nematode from Japan, with resurrection of the family Gyrinicolidae (Nematoda: Oxyurina). Zoological Science 37(1): 7078.

Sata, N., H. Takeuchi & T. Nakano (2020) A new species of Rhabdias (Nematoda: Rhabditida: Rhabdiasidae) from Miyakojima Island, Okinawa, Japan. Species Diversity 25: 117121.

Sata, N., H. Takeuchi & T. Nakano (2020) Description of a new species of Rhabdias (Nematoda: Rhabditida: Rhabdiasidae) from Ishigakijima island, Okinawa, Japan. Species Diversity 25: 171175.

Shirakashi, S., T. Matsuda, N. Asai, T. Honryo & K. Ogawa (2020) In vivo cultivation of tuna blood fluke Cardicola orientalis in terebellid intermediate hosts. International Journal for Parasitology 50 (10/11): 851-857. 

Sugiyama, H., Y. Monrishima, C. Kagawa, J. Araki, T. Iwaki, H. Ikuno, Y. Miguchi, N. Komatsu, Y. Kawakami & H. Asakura (2020) Current Incidence and Contamination Sources of Ascariasis in Japan. Food Hygiene and Safety Science 61(4): 103-108.

Takano, T., S. Kimura & Y. Kano (2020) Host identification for the deep-sea snail genus Haliella with description of a new species (Caenogastropoda, Eulimidae). ZooKeys 908: 1930.

高野 剛史, 都築 章二 (2020) 沖縄県座間味島から得られたハナゴウナ科貝類. ちりぼたん 50: 205212.

Takano, T., S. Tsuzuki & Y. Kano (2020) Systematic relocation of Chrystella kajiyamai Habe, 1961 to the eulimid genus Bacula (Gastropoda: Vanikoroidea). Venus 78(12): 119124.

Urabe, M., N. E. Nor Hashim, S. Uni, T. Iwaki, M. R. A. Halim, M. E. Marzuki, A. S. M. Udin, N. A. Zainuri, H. Omar, T. Agatsuma, S. Uga, H. Takaoka, M. Sofian-Azirun & R. Ramli (2020) Description and molecular characteristics of Morishitium polonicum malayense Urabe, Nor Hashim & Uni, n. subsp. (Trematoda: Cyclocoelidae) from the Asian glossy starling, Aplonis panayensis strigata (Passeriformes: Sturnidae) in Peninsular Malaysia. Parasitology International 76: 102074.

Waki, T., M. Sasaki, K. Mashino, T. Iwaki & M. Nakao (2020) Brachylaima lignieuhadrae n. sp. (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae) from land snails of the genus Euhadra in Japan. Parasitology International 74: 101992.


Fukumori, H., T. Takano, K. Hasegawa & Y. Kano (2019) Deepest known gastropod fauna: species composition and distribution in the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench. Progress in Oceanography 178: 102176.

金谷 麻里杏, 日名 耕司, 巖城 隆, 吉野 智生, 浅川 満彦 (2019) 西表島内で死体として発見された野生鳥類の寄生蠕虫類の保有状況. 沖縄生物学会誌 (The Biological Magazine Okinawa) 57: 195–200.

Kitamura, A. & K. Ogawa (2019) Three species of Dendromonocotyle Hargis, 1955 (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) collected from Japanese rays. Systematic Parasitology 96(2): 233–243.

Komatsu, N., N. Itoh & K. Ogawa (2019) Worm cataract of hatchery-reared Japanese dace Tribolodon hakonensis caused by Diplostomum sp. (Digenea: Diplostomidae). 魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 54(1): 1–11. 

倉持 利明, 脇 司, 巖城 隆, 高野 剛史, 小川 和夫 (2019) 自然教育園における寄生蠕虫類および寄生性ダニ類調査. 自然教育園報告 51: 147153.

Miyoshi, Y., Y. Fukuda & K. Ogawa (2019) Skin injuries contribute to Nocardia seriolae infection of Japanese amberjack Seriola quinqueradiata. Fish Pathology 54(3): 6467.

Moravec, F. & K. Ogawa (2019) Description of two new species of Philometra Costa, 1845 (Nematoda: Philometridae) from marine fishes off Japan, with notes on Philometroides seriolae (Yamaguti, 1935). Acta Parasitologica 64(4): 829838.

Nakao, M., M. Sasaki, T. Waki, T. Iwaki, Y. Morii, K. Yanagida, M. Watanabe, Y. Tsuchitani, T. Saito & M. Asakawa (2019) Distribution records of three species of Leucochloridium (Trematoda Leucochloridiidae) in Japan. Parasitology International 72: 101936.

Pakdee, W., K. Ogawa, S. Pornruseetairath, U. Thaenkham & T. Yeemin (2019) The first record of Ligophorus Euzet & Suriano, 1977 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) on Crenimugil buchanani (Teleostei: Muglidae) from Thailand based on morphological and molecular analyses. Journal of Helminthology 93(6): 752762.

Shirakashi, S., T. Waki & K. Ogawa (2019) Bucephalid metacercarial infection in wild larval and juvenile ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. Fish Pathology 54(4): 93100.

高野 剛史 (2019) イボシマイモに付着するジュズマキクチキレ(異鰓亜綱:汎有肺目:トウガタガイ科). ちりぼたん 49(34): 8488.

Takano, T., Y. Kano & T. Sasaki (2019) Comparison of shell structures in pyramidelloid gastropods (Heterobranchia). Venus 78(12): 3343.

Takano, T., H. Tanaka & Y. Kano (2019) A new species of Mucronalia (Gastropoda: Eulimidae) parasitizing the ophiocomid brittle star Ophiomastix mixta in Japan. Venus 77(14): 4550.

Waki, T., S. Shimano & T. Asami (2019) First Record of Riccardoella (Proriccardoella) triodopsis (Acariformes: Trombidiformes: Ereynetidae) from Japan, with additional morphological information. Species Diversity 24(1): 1115.

脇 司, 島野 智之, 浅見 崇比呂 (2019) 環境省版・都道府県版レッドリスト・レッドデータブックに掲載された陸産貝類6種に寄生したダニ. タクサ, 46: 3439.


Iwaki, T., T. Waki, J. Arakawa & K. Ogawa (2018) The digenean Clinostomum complanatum found from great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo in Japan. 魚病研究 (Fish Pathology) 53(4): 132–135.

倉島 陽, 小川 和夫 (2018) 日本産板鰓類に寄生する吸葉条虫目類(19172000). 板鰓類研究会報 54: 14–20.

Nakao, M., M. Sasaki, T. Waki, J. L. Anders & H. Katahira (2018) Brachylaima asakawai sp. nov. (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae), a rodent intestinal fluke in Hokkaido, Japan, with a finding of the first and second intermediate hosts. Parasitology International 67(5): 565–574.

Tohmonda, T., A. Kamiya, A. Ishiguro, T. Iwaki, T. J. Fujimi, M. Hatayama & J. Aruga (2018) Identification and characterization of novel conserved domains in metazoan Zic proteins. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35(9): 2205–2229.

脇 司 (2018) ナメクジ類から得られる寄生性線虫について. どろのむし通信 69: 11–12.

Waki, T., A. Hino & K. Umeda (2018) Angiostoma namekuji n. sp. (Nematoda: Angiostomatidae) from terrestrial slugs on Oshiba Island in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Systematic Parasitology 95(8–9): 913–920.

Waki, T., S. F. Hiruta & S. Shimano (2018) A new species of the genus Riccardoella (Acari: Prostigmata: Ereynetidae) from the land snail Tauphaedusa tau (Gastropoda: Clausliidae) in Japan. Zootaxa 4402(1): 163174.

Waki, T., M. Makao, K. Hayashi, H. Ikezawa & N. Tsutumi (2018) Molecular and morphological discrimination of dicrocoeliid larvae (Trematoda: Digenea) from terrestrial mollusks in Japan. Journal of Parasitology 104: 660–670.

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